Adventure Engagement in Brookings, Oregon

Updated: Feb 27, 2023


Adventure sessions typically include hiking/exploring a special location. Kisandra and Javier chose the Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor near Brookings, Oregon for their adventure engagement session.

If you're considering an adventure session as part of your wedding experience or maybe an anniversary, have fun creating a "bucket list" of locations or steal one of mine from below!

Alicia's "OMG Let's Go There!" Locations List:

Samuel H Boardman Scenic Corridor (Southern Oregon Coast)

Hobbit Trail/Beach (Central Oregon Coast)

Crater Lake (Southern Oregon)

Redwoods National Park (Northern California)

Painted Hills (Eastern Oregon)

Umpqua Hot Springs (Southern Oregon)

Mount Rainer National Park (Central Washington)

Olympic National Park (Northern Washington)

Silver Falls (Oregon)

Koosah Falls (Oregon)

Proxy Falls (Oregon)

Salt Flats (Utah)